Planning a wedding is no easy feat; that’s why we hire a planner to lighten our load for most of us if it’s within our budget. But, even the most laid-back of brides struggle not to micromanage what the planner is doing. This article isn’t about planning your dream wedding or honeymoon, though. It’s about the other important ways in which you need to prepare your wedding, explicitly preparing yourself for your wedding. Through a bit of self-love and discipline, you can rest assured you’ll be ready for the big day and as calm as possible. 

Catch Your Z’s 

beauty sleep

Sleep is how we were designed to spend a third of our lives, and with good reason. Sleep is the body and brain’s time to rest and restore. We need sleep to stave off inflammation in the body – inflammation is the root of almost all medical ailments. So, do things to make sure that even though wedding prep is hectic, you’re getting in your recommended eight hours a night. Create a relaxing evening routine where you’re disconnecting from smartphones, tablets, and televisions at least one to two hours before heading to bed. If you have distractions like a television in your bedroom – remove them. And, if you’re already living with your future spouse-to-be, this can make for better uses of your time in the bedroom then binging on Netflix, if you know what I mean. It’s also a good idea to limit caffeine intake starting in the afternoon and incorporate calming teas like lavender or chamomile prior to bedtime. 

Nourish Your Body 

We all know that what we put into our bodies directly impacts our energy level, mood, and overall well-being. With all the work that goes into preparation and all the energy you need to be stored up for your honeymoon, it goes without saying you should be giving your body clean and healthy fuel. Try to eat a non-inflammatory diet to keep your skin and hair looking its healthiest and bloating at bay. If it makes things easier to remember and stick to, commit to “Eating the Rainbow” every day. This will ensure you’re getting a wide variety of nutrient-dense food, and who doesn’t feel good when they’re doing that?

Protect the Skin You’re In 

With spring and summer being the most popular times of year to have a wedding, it’s ever more vital to protect our skin. It’s an unfortunate reality that when you’re outside in a heavy dress, running from the photo shoot to greeting guests, to dancing the night away at your reception, and your makeup may not stay in place. The better you treat your skin in preparation for your wedding, and the less actual makeup you’ll need to wear. So, work with a dermatologist or esthetician to curate a morning and nighttime routine to get your skin into tip-top shape. If seeing a professional isn’t in your budget (because let’s face it, weddings are expensive), then some basic rules of thumb are – cleaning twice a day to remove makeup and impurities, using toners to tighten pores, and products like a vitamin c moisturizer to brighten and even skin tone. Thankfully with all the social platforms and their users ready to give you advice for free, you’re just a few clicks away from figuring out what works best for you and how to implement it.

Move That Body 


All bodies are beautiful, and in no way should you feel that you need to be a specific shape or size for your wedding day. In fact, your fiance fell in love with you as you are, so please don’t do anything harmful to try and look like someone you saw on the internet that indeed used filters on filters and photoshop. Trust me; they don’t look how they look online. But, it is essential to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. So, adopt a healthy diet and get some light exercise in as often as possible. Whether that’s light stretching, yoga, or strength training, the important thing is you’re moving your body and keeping your blood flowing and your heart healthy. Yoga is especially beneficial preparing for a wedding as the breathwork can keep you centered and stress levels down. 

So, there you have it. If you can, loosen the reins as much as possible on your wedding planner and let them do what you hired them to do. Prepare for your big day by making yourself feel calm and confident and, more than anything, excited about what the future holds. Cheers!