When a couple gets married, they receive a handful of advice and tips from their married friends and relatives. These pieces of advice usually revolve around their relationship, finances, individuality, family, and more. Here are some Things You Should Discuss With Your Partner Before Tying The Knot.

It is also very common for them to receive tips on more post-event logistical tasks such as paying your vendors and suppliers, writing and sending out thank you cards for the gifts, choosing wedding photos, moving houses, and lastly, filing the necessary paperwork to change names and update your marital status. 

There is, however, one tip that most newlyweds and engaged couples rarely ever get, and it is the fact that self storage units are probably one of the most important things that a newly-married couple will ever need.

3 Reasons Why Self Storage Is Beneficial For Newlyweds

You may be thinking, “How even does that make sense? How can a self storage unit be helpful to a newlywed couple?” Well, we’re here to tell you! Below, you will find three reasons why we think self storage is just what you need! 

It Will Be Easier To Start Anew

When you get married, it is believed that you and your partner are starting a new life together. Hence, it would only make sense for you to begin the first chapter of your life with a new home as well as new furniture and equipment. However, as humans, we often develop personal attachments to the material items we currently possess.

Because these items provide us with a sense of comfort, security, and familiarity, letting go of them can prove to be very difficult, especially when we’re already undergoing a huge transition in our life which is, in this case, getting married.

With a storage unit at your disposal, however, you can easily purchase the furniture and appliances you want without having to dispose of the items you both want to hold on to. You may easily keep them at a storage unit for as long as you want and only take them out when you need them or are ready to let go of them. 

Reaching A Compromise Will Not Be A Struggle

Meanwhile, if you are not planning on purchasing new stuff for your shared place, you will need to agree with your partner about which of your belongings will make it into the new house and which of theirs will.

This means you and your partner will both have to navigate through your attachment to your items to figure out which items will make up your shared space. This part, however, is much easier said than done as arguments and disagreements would often arise in such situations. 

With a storage unit, though,  it will be much easier to come to a compromise, therefore making the merging of your lives together less stressful as well! After all, any decision you make about furniture pieces and appliances do not necessarily have to be final. With your items (and your partner’s) still accessible to you, switching them out whenever you feel like it will not be a struggle at all. 

There Will Be Enough Space For You To Share

Aside from appliances and furniture, merging your lives would also mean sharing a certain amount of space for your respective personal belongings, clothes, shoes, collections, mementoes, etc. Moreover, it is also very likely for you to receive wedding gifts for your friends and family, thus increasing the number of items you’ll have to accommodate within the space of your new home. 

You and your partner may provide yourselves with some extra room to live and move around, though, by keeping non-essential or seasonal items (i.e., winter clothing, holiday decorations, spare drinking glasses, old photos, and more) in storage until you need them.

As an additional tip, you will want to go through your items and identify which ones are defective and which ones you no longer want or need at all. Doing this will help you limit the things to put in storage, thus allowing you to save a few pounds which would have otherwise been spent on useless junk. 

Whatever the reason you need to use a self storage unit, you can rest assured that your items will be kept safe and secure if you decide to store them in one. After all, a storage unit has the following features and amenities to ensure that your stuff does not get damaged or stolen:

  • Climate-controlled storage units for electronics, wooden furniture, antiques, art, photographs, and other fragile items. Such units keep moisture, extreme temperatures, dirt, dust, and pests away from your stuff. Read up on how humidity can affect wooden furniture here.
  • 24/7 CCTV coverage
  • State-of-the-art alarm and security systems
  • Fortified perimeter fences
  • Reliable staff and security personnel

If the reasons mentioned above have convinced you to rent a self storage unit for after your wedding, make sure to have more than one storage company in the running! After all, considering a few options will not only help you understand your storage needs better, it will also help you find the best deals on storage units possible!

Meanwhile, if you have yet to find a home for you and your significant other, here’s the Ultimate Home Guide For Newlyweds.