There’s so much that goes into looking great on your wedding day: Hair, makeup, shoes, accessories and, of course, the dress itself.

All of this can be overwhelming — but only if you let it be. Instead, try to shift your mentality and embrace the unique opportunity before you and your soon-to-be spouse. Moreover, use this as a day that you can do whatever you want. 

Now, there are a few guidelines to follow if you want to stick with some tradition. Really, though, the world is your oyster and, on this day, of all days, nobody can tell you otherwise.

If you’re feeling a bit stuck, all you need is some inspiration. Look no further. The following breakdown offers some great tips to get the juices flowing and help make sure you look and feel your best on your wedding night.

1. Don’t Get Caught Up in Trends

Every year, many brides go all-in on the latest and greatest trends during their wedding planning. Even when they do it all right — and everything seems to look great on their big day — there can still be some regret down the line. Years later, you don’t want to look back and see wedding photos that look like a time capsule full of flash-in-the-pan trends you would rather forget.

2. Know You Can’t Go Wrong with Classics

While there’s room to embrace a few fun trends on your wedding day (say “yes” to signature cocktails!), if you don’t truly love a look that’s currently en vogue, don’t feel the pressure to jump on it. Plus, you usually can’t go wrong if you instead default toward something classic. If you really think baby hairs or feathered brows are your thing, that’s great! Rock with it. Don’t just do it to imitate your friends, though. That’s never a good idea — in life or marriage. 

3. Understand Nothing Looks Better than Confidence

Along the same lines, you’ll always look your best — no matter which designer made your dress and shoes — if you feel comfortable. This is less about wearing plush, soft materials and more about feeling comfortable in your own skin. It mostly comes down to confidence. Do what you can to instill this from the moment you wake up. One great tip: wear elegant, sexy bridal lingerie beneath your dress. Just seeing yourself in these unmentionables before you put on your dress will serve as a reminder that you really can work it! Then, that will translate to a confidence boost that lasts throughout your wedding day.

4. Be Careful with Your Footwear

That said, physical comfort matters, too. Your gown may require a little sacrifice, but make sure you can at least dance and have fun at the reception without feeling too constrained. More than anything, worry about your shoes. Indeed, there’s no look or silhouette that’s worth cramming yourself into — like footwear that will make you wince or nearly tumble over as soon as you start walking down the aisle. Be light on your feet, and you’ll no doubt feel and look better.

Being Your Best Self on Your Wedding Night

Feel good, look good. That’s the rule. Beyond your shade of lipstick and eye shadow, as well as your hairstyle and the height of your heels, this will radiate throughout your entire vibe on your big day.

To look your best at your wedding, stay away from oddball trends, consider defaulting toward a classic aesthetic, do everything you can to instill confidence from within, and don’t wear uncomfortable shoes.

There are obviously a lot of other details to work out. The whole package will work together to create your look, but starting with these big factors will help make sure you’re doing the most.